Children are wonderful little creatures who inspire us to appreciate the world more thoroughly. But they're also hard work...and a constant reminder of all the stuff we kinda can't do now that we're moms. Here, ten things every woman needs to check off her bucket list before she procreates--or else risk looking back with regret.
10 Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Has Kids
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Take An Impromptu Vacation
With a kid, everything is hyper-planned, from which sippy cup you're bringing to the park to how you're timing car travel and napping. Take advantage of spontaneity while you're carefree and young--and unencumbered by Pack ‘n Plays.

Take An Adventurous Vacation
Bonus points if it requires several layovers, an electricity-less bungalow and a harrowing canoe ride.

Linger Over A Four-hour Dinner
C'mon, get the nightcap. (It's not like you've got a sitter to get home to.)

Stay Out All Night
Not to be confused with staying up all night--an activity you will be well-versed in once the kiddos arrive.

Experiment With Open Shelving
Or any home decor look that invites a one-year-old to break all your vases and/or ingest chemicals.

Experiment With Bangs
Once-a-month trims just aren't gonna happen with a newborn, OK?

Address Your Own Mommy Issues
Look, we've all been messed up by our mothers to varying degrees. But if you want a fresh start with your future children, we highly recommend starting the healing process early. (And preferably with a very understanding therapist.)

Really Appreciate Your Body
Because you will look back at pictures and think to yourself, "Holy crap, I was a babe!"

Have Sex More Than Two Times In One Night
And never once pause to ask, "Do you think the baby heard us?"

Like a lot.