There’s a time and a place for feel-good shows, but sometimes, we’re in the mood for something a little more, shall we say, emotionally draining. Here, ten shows we turn on when we need a good cry.
10 TV Shows to Watch When You Need a Good Cry

this Is Us
Probably the most tears per minute of any TV show ever.
Watch it on: NBC and Hulu

The sadness lies in how damn relatable it is.
Watch it on: Netflix

bojack Horseman
For an animated show about an anthropomorphic horse, BoJack has made us weep on no fewer than 11 occasions.
Watch it on: Netflix

grey's Anatomy
With 14 seasons under its belt, this medical drama has no shortage of tear-jerking moments.
Watch it on: ABC, Hulu and Netflix

how I Met Your Mother
For a comedy, HIMYM has a surprising number of tender moments. (Like when Marshall’s dad dies.)
Watch it on: Netflix

handmaid's Tale
Watch this and alternate between tears and genuine concern.
Watch it on: Hulu

breaking Bad
Momentary periods of respite (in the form of dark humor) didn’t make the constant death, despair and destruction any less crushing.
Watch it on: Netflix

six Feet Under
The scene: The series’ last. The song: “Breathe Me” by Sia.
Watch it on: Amazon Prime

game Of Thrones
Sometimes you’ll cry out of fear; other times it’ll be because of the Red Wedding.
Watch it on: HBO and Amazon Prime

the Voice
On the plus side, lots of the darkest contestant backstories have happy endings.
Watch it on: NBC and Hulu