When it comes to tweezing your eyebrows, you definitely want to be precise. However, there is a fine line (or in this case, a fine hair's worth) of difference between neat and defined and over-plucked. That difference usually comes down to one thing: the mirror you're using.
According to Sania Vucetaj, brow expert and founder of Sania’s Brow Bar in New York City, those double-sided magnified mirrors are a huge no-no. You know the ones we're talking about: One side shows a normal reflection, the other side amplifies every pore and eyebrow hair to upsetting degrees.
The super close-up view can lead to obsessing over every detail, and even one or two hairs can alter your brow shape. The same goes for bright lights and even standing too close to your mirror, which she says are equally as risky. All of these things cause you to lose perspective.
Luckily, the fix is simple. Tweeze in a regular mirror and step away after every couple of hairs to get the full picture (and stop yourself from going overboard).